Monday, December 15, 2008

Christmas Time!!

I can't believe how fast time flies! Chase is almost 6 months old and is growing everyday. He is now making a lot more noise and can sit up all by himself. He is not yet crawling and i am in no rush when that does happen, but he loves to stand. We love watching him grow and look forward to all the new things that are yet to come.
Recently, we moved into Janet's grandma's house in Santa Clara, California and will be staying there for at least a year. We are still unpacking boxes.
We will be spending Chase's first Christmas home in California and we want to wish everyone a Happy Holidays.
From: Bo, Janet & Chase

Saturday, November 1, 2008

Happy Halloween

It's a bird, no it's plane, no it's Super Chase

Bouncing our way to a new home soon

Growing with smiles

Chase is now 4 months old and he is getting more fun to play with every day. He just went into his 4 month check up and he now is nearly 16 lbs and 25 3/4 " long ( shorter than previously stated). He has been teething lately making everyone know about his pain. He loves to stand up with some assistance in balancing and has found his toes to play with when on his back.

Friday, August 29, 2008

Such A Happy Boy

It's hard to be jealous of all the attention Chase is getting when he is such a wonderful child.

Thursday, August 21, 2008

Non Stop Growing

With two months now under his belt, Chase is looking for something new. And that something is new clothes. Chase has been growing an Inch a week. 20in when born, now at his two month check up measured 29 inches long. He pushes the limits of length in his 3-6 month clothes. While staying very proportioned at 11 lbs 11 oz .

Sunday, August 3, 2008

Blessing Our Future

The day finally arrived to bless Chase and he was a blessing to be around.

Monday, July 21, 2008

Sunday, July 20, 2008

Chase is getting comfortable

After a few weeks now at home, Chase is settling in and making himself home.

Saturday, June 21, 2008

Finally he has arrived

Saturday at 2:34pm. My little baby boy was born. Weighing in at 7 lbs 8 oz and 20 inches long,
**********Chase Titus Rambow**************

Thursday, June 19, 2008


Its getting so close you can almost smell the little bugger. Only 4 days to go